See how much you’re saving on shoppable video with Moast

Shoppable video apps are expensive, Moast isn't. The more views you get the more you save compared to competitors.
Your estimated savings:
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Trusted by industry leading Shopify brands

We believe in full transparency

Here's how we calculate your savings.

Our average price per view


Competitors average price per view


For every view, you’re saving $0.0025 when you use Moast

For example, if you get 15,000 monthly views on your shoppable videos, you’ll save $37.50 compared to the competition. The more views you get, the more you save.

Why choose Moast for shoppable video?

Affordable and scalable

Moast’s pricing structure is designed to save you money as your business grows.

Beautiful, customizable widgets

Our shoppable video widgets are designed to blend seamlessly with your store for a stunning shopping experience.

Get started in minutes

Uploading videos has never been easier. Add shoppable videos to your site in less than 5 minutes.

Turn videos into sales, for free

Get up and running with Moast in minutes, for free. Cancel anytime.