Conversational reviews that drive sales

Move beyond the cookie-cutter reviews that don’t actually build trust with shoppers. Moast brings your reviews to life with trust-building conversational reviews.

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Traditional reviews no longer cut It

Shoppers are increasingly skeptical of generic text-based testimonials and static images. They flat out fail to build the trust necessary to drive conversions. Brands need a fresh approach to connect with their audience authentically and effectively.

What are conversational reviews?
Conversational reviews go beyond static testimonials by turning customer feedback into dynamic, interactive dialogues. Instead of relying on outdated text, these reviews incorporate rich media like videos and images, allowing potential buyers to engage directly with past customers' experiences. Whether shoppers actually start conversations or not, facilitating this experience on your site is a gigantic trust booster. 
Try Moast for free
Automated profile collection
Gather reviews with automated emails that encourage users to upload content.
Offer review incentives
Increase reviews with incentives, making it easy to capture high-quality content.
Interactive customer conversations
Turn static reviews into engaging conversations that allow shoppers to connect with customers.
Rich media integration
Enhance reviews with high-quality videos and images, without slowing down your website.
Dynamic widgets
Seamlessly add interactive review widgets to your site in just one click.
Capture buyer info
Capture leads through interactive conversations and add them to remarketing campaigns.
​​Shoppable reviews
Drive sales by transforming reviews into engaging, shoppable experiences.
Monitor interactions
Track and analyze interactions to gain insights and optimize your shopping experience.
Seamless integration
Easily manage conversational reviews within the Shopify Admin without complicated setups.
Why conversational reviews are a game-changer
Build trust
Interactive reviews build deeper connections with your audience, helping to build trust and encourage purchases.
Boost on-site engagement
Dynamic, media-rich reviews let shoppers engage with real customers, increasing their time spent on your site.
Drive conversions
Shoppable reviews and real customer conversations help buyers feel confident and lead to more sales.
Gain valuable insights
Monitor how customers use reviews to learn what they like and dislike, so you can increase customer satisfaction.

“Switching to Moast was a game-changer for our online store. The customizable widgets and user-friendly interface made it easy to showcase our customer stories, which really resonated with our shoppers. It's not just a tool, it's a part of our brand's success story!”

Sean Dana

Co-Founder, Merkava

“Almost every customer that purchases mentions this experience. They go 'wow, seeing customers identify themselves with Beachman and willing to help answer my questions - that sold me.' It's such an amazing piece of social proof.”

Ben taylor

Co-Founder, Beachman

Built for Shopify Brands.

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