Conversational Reviews: How They Can Help Shopify Brands Sell More

Discover emerging trends in social proof for Shopify stores, including UGC, influencers, and AI.

The Moast Team

August 9, 2024

E-commerce is fast-paced with fierce competition and short attention spans. Building trust with potential customers has become more challenging than ever. Traditionally, brands have relied on customer reviews—those familiar blocks of text and star ratings—to showcase the value of their products and convince visitors to make a purchase. But as online shopping continues to evolve, so do the expectations of shoppers. The modern consumer is increasingly skeptical of standard reviews, often viewing them as generic, impersonal, or even fabricated.

This shift in consumer behavior poses a significant problem for e-commerce brands. When trust is in short supply, conversion rates can suffer, leaving brands struggling to turn casual browsers into loyal customers. So, how can brands adapt to this changing landscape and build the credibility needed to drive sales?

Enter conversational reviews—a revolutionary approach that takes the concept of customer testimonials to the next level. Unlike traditional reviews, conversational reviews are interactive and social, allowing potential buyers to engage directly with satisfied customers. This new form of review turns static feedback into dynamic dialogues, where shoppers can ask questions, gain insights, and make more informed purchasing decisions.

In this article, we’ll explore what conversational reviews are, why they matter in today’s e-commerce environment, and how Shopify brands can leverage them to boost sales and build stronger relationships with their customers. We’ll also take a closer look at how the Moast app is leading the charge in this exciting new frontier, transforming the way brands collect, display, and utilize customer reviews.

What Are Conversational Reviews?

Conversational reviews, also known as social reviews, represent the next evolution in customer testimonials, designed to meet the demands of today’s discerning online shoppers. Unlike traditional reviews, which are typically static, one-way communications consisting of text and star ratings, conversational reviews introduce a dynamic, interactive element that fundamentally changes the way feedback is shared and consumed.


At their core, conversational reviews are reviews that allow for real-time interaction between potential buyers and customers who have already purchased the product. These reviews go beyond simply displaying a customer’s opinion; they invite dialogue. Shoppers can ask questions directly within the review interface, and previous buyers can respond, sharing their insights, experiences, and advice. This turns the review process into a genuine conversation, providing a richer, more authentic source of information for prospective customers.

Comparison to Traditional Reviews:

Traditional reviews have long been a staple of e-commerce, offering buyers a glimpse into the experiences of others who have purchased the same product. However, they have significant limitations:

  • Static and Impersonal: Traditional reviews are often brief and lack the depth needed to fully inform potential buyers. They’re written once, posted, and then left to sit passively on a product page, offering no opportunity for follow-up questions or clarification.
  • Trust Issues: With the rise of fake reviews and overly generic testimonials, many consumers have grown skeptical of the authenticity of traditional reviews. Even if a review is genuine, its static nature can make it feel less trustworthy.
  • Limited Engagement: Standard reviews do little to keep potential buyers engaged with the product page. Once a shopper has read a few reviews, they may move on without feeling any closer to making a purchase.
conversations in e-commerce

Conversational reviews, by contrast, offer a solution to these shortcomings:

  • Interactive and Engaging: By allowing real-time conversations within the review itself, conversational reviews transform a passive reading experience into an active dialogue. This interaction keeps potential buyers engaged on the product page longer, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Building Authentic Trust: When shoppers see a review as a conversation between real people, complete with back-and-forth exchanges, they are more likely to trust the information presented. The authenticity of these interactions is difficult to fake, making conversational reviews a more credible source of social proof.
  • Informative and Responsive: Conversational reviews provide a platform for potential buyers to ask specific questions that matter to them. This level of personalization can make the difference between a hesitant visitor and a confident buyer.

In summary, conversational reviews elevate the concept of customer testimonials by making them interactive, authentic, and engaging. They enable potential buyers to have their specific concerns addressed directly by fellow customers, turning what was once a simple review into a powerful tool for building trust and driving conversions.

Why Conversational Reviews Matter for E-Commerce

E-commerce is very competitive and so the ability to build trust and engage customers is crucial to driving sales. Traditional reviews have long been a cornerstone of this effort, but as consumer expectations evolve, so too must the strategies that brands use to connect with their audience. This is where conversational reviews come into play. By transforming passive testimonials into active dialogues, conversational reviews offer several significant advantages that can help e-commerce brands stand out in a crowded marketplace.

 Building Trust

Trust is the foundation of any successful e-commerce transaction. When shoppers visit an online store, they need to feel confident that the products they’re considering are worth their investment. However, the increasing prevalence of fake reviews and overly polished testimonials has made it harder for consumers to trust what they read online.

Conversational reviews address this issue head-on by fostering a sense of authenticity that traditional reviews often lack. When potential buyers see real-time interactions between satisfied customers and other shoppers, it creates a more credible and trustworthy environment. The ability to ask questions and receive personalized answers directly from previous buyers makes the information feel more reliable and less scripted. This authenticity is difficult to fake, making conversational reviews a powerful tool for building the trust that is essential for conversion.

Enhancing User Engagement

One of the biggest challenges in e-commerce is keeping potential buyers engaged on a product page long enough to convince them to make a purchase. Traditional reviews, while helpful, are often limited in their ability to hold a shopper’s attention. They’re read quickly, and once a few reviews have been skimmed, the shopper may feel they’ve gathered enough information and move on—potentially without making a purchase.

Conversational reviews, however, change the game by creating an interactive experience that encourages deeper engagement. Instead of simply reading through static testimonials, shoppers can actively participate in discussions, ask questions, and get detailed responses tailored to their specific concerns. This level of engagement not only keeps them on the page longer but also allows them to feel more connected to the product and the brand. The more engaged a shopper is, the more likely they are to move from consideration to purchase.

Moast conversational reviews

Boosting Conversion Rates

The ultimate goal of any e-commerce strategy is to convert visitors into customers. While traditional reviews do play a role in influencing purchase decisions, their effectiveness can be limited by their static nature and the trust issues associated with them. Conversational reviews, on the other hand, have a direct impact on conversion rates by addressing the specific needs and questions of potential buyers in real time.

When shoppers are able to interact with existing customers and have their concerns addressed personally, they’re more likely to feel confident in their decision to buy. This personalized approach can significantly reduce the hesitation that often prevents shoppers from completing a purchase. Additionally, the social proof provided by seeing other customers actively endorsing a product through conversation can be a powerful motivator, tipping the scales in favor of conversion.

By turning reviews into an interactive, social experience, conversational reviews not only build trust and enhance engagement but also provide the personalized attention that many shoppers need to make a purchase decision. In a marketplace where trust is a valuable currency, conversational reviews offer e-commerce brands a way to differentiate themselves, build stronger connections with their customers, and ultimately sell more.

The Role of Moast in Revolutionizing Reviews

In today’s rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape, Moast is at the forefront of a significant shift in how customer reviews are utilized. Traditional reviews are no longer enough to build the trust and engagement that modern shoppers demand. Moast, a powerful Shopify app, is revolutionizing the review process by transforming static testimonials into dynamic, interactive experiences that drive meaningful connections and boost sales. Let’s explore how Moast is leading this transformation and helping brands elevate their customer reviews.

Introduction to Moast

Moast is designed with a clear mission: to reimagine how reviews work for e-commerce brands by making them more engaging, authentic, and interactive. At its core, Moast takes the traditional concept of customer reviews and amplifies it with rich media content and a social, conversational element that allows potential buyers to connect directly with previous customers.

Key Features of Moast

Moast’s innovative approach to reviews is built on three main features: Capture, Display, and Convert. Each of these features plays a crucial role in transforming ordinary reviews into powerful tools for building trust and driving sales.

  • Capture: Moast enables brands to gather high-quality video and image content from their customers, along with detailed testimonials. Instead of relying solely on text-based reviews, Moast encourages customers to share their experiences in a more dynamic and visually compelling way. This content is not only more engaging for potential buyers but also provides a richer, more authentic view of the product in real-world use.
  • Display: Once this content is captured, Moast helps brands display it through dynamic widgets on their website. These widgets are designed to seamlessly integrate into product pages, showcasing customer profiles in a way that is both visually appealing and easy to navigate. The interactive nature of these profiles allows potential buyers to explore customer experiences in greater depth, making the review process more informative and engaging.
  • Convert: Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of Moast is its ability to convert browsers into buyers by facilitating direct communication between potential customers and those who have already purchased the product. With Moast’s conversational review feature, shoppers can initiate conversations with happy customers right from the review widget. This real-time interaction allows them to ask specific questions, get personalized feedback, and feel more confident in their purchasing decisions.

Seamless Integration

One of Moast’s key strengths is its seamless integration with existing Shopify stores through their Shopify app. Whether a brand is looking to replace its traditional review system or complement it with more interactive elements, Moast can be easily added to a website without disrupting the overall design or user experience. This flexibility makes it an ideal solution for brands at any stage of growth, allowing them to “level up” their reviews and make a lasting impact on their customers.

Customer-Centric Approach

At the heart of Moast’s innovation is a focus on turning customers into advocates. By making reviews more interactive and engaging, Moast helps brands harness the power of authentic social proof. Customers who have a positive experience with a product are more likely to share their story, and Moast gives them the tools to do so in a way that resonates with potential buyers. This customer-centric approach not only builds trust but also strengthens the relationship between the brand and its audience.

In summary, Moast is revolutionizing the way Shopify brands collect, display, and utilize customer reviews. By bringing reviews to life with rich media content and enabling direct conversations between customers, Moast is helping brands build stronger connections with their audience, convey the true value of their products, and ultimately drive more sales. In an era where trust is essential to success, Moast ensures that your reviews are not just seen—they’re felt and interacted with.

How to Implement Conversational Reviews on Your Shopify Store

Implementing conversational reviews on your Shopify store using Moast is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance the way you engage with potential customers. By following a few simple steps, you can transform static testimonials into dynamic, interactive conversations that build trust and drive conversions. Here’s how to get started with Moast:

Step 1: Install the Moast App on Your Shopify Store

The first step to bringing conversational reviews to your Shopify store is to install the Moast app from the Shopify App Store. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Visit the Shopify App Store: Search for “Moast” and click on the app to view its details.
  • Click “Add App”: This will begin the installation process. You may be prompted to log in to your Shopify account if you aren’t already.
  • Authorize the App: Follow the prompts to authorize Moast to access your store’s data. This is necessary for Moast to integrate with your product pages and existing reviews.
A screenshot of the Moast shopify app listing page

Step 2: Configure Your Moast Settings
Once the app is installed, it’s time to configure your settings to align with your brand’s needs:

  • Access the Moast Dashboard: After installation, you’ll be directed to the Moast dashboard within your Shopify admin panel.
  • Customize the Appearance: Moast allows you to customize the look and feel of the review widgets that will appear on your site. You can choose colors, fonts, and layout options that match your brand’s aesthetic.
  • Set Up Review Criteria: Define the criteria for collecting reviews, such as prompting customers to share video testimonials, images, or detailed written feedback. You can tailor these prompts based on the products you sell.

Step 3: Capture High-Quality Customer Content
Now that Moast is set up, it’s time to start collecting valuable content from your customers:

  • Request Reviews: Moast makes it easy to send automated emails or messages to customers who have recently made a purchase, asking them to leave a review. Encourage them to share their experiences through video, images, or detailed testimonials.
  • Incentivize Participation: Consider offering incentives, such as discounts or loyalty points, to customers who submit reviews with rich media content. This can help you gather more engaging and authentic content.
Collecting content from customers through Moast's Shopify app

Step 4: Display Conversational Reviews on Your Product Pages
With customer content collected, it’s time to showcase it on your product pages:

  • Add Moast Widgets to Your Pages: Using the Moast dashboard, you can easily insert dynamic widgets onto your product pages. These widgets will display the interactive customer profiles and reviews that have been submitted.
  • Optimize Placement: Place the review widgets in prominent locations on your product pages where they will be most visible to potential buyers, such as near the product description or directly below the “Add to Cart” button.

Step 5: Enable Real-Time Conversations
One of the most powerful features of Moast is the ability to facilitate real-time conversations between potential buyers and existing customers:

  • Activate the Conversation Feature: In the Moast settings, ensure that the conversation feature is enabled. This will allow shoppers to initiate chats with customers who have previously purchased the product.
  • Monitor Interactions: While Moast handles most of the interaction between customers, you may want to monitor conversations to ensure they remain positive and productive. You can also step in to answer any questions that require brand-specific knowledge.

Step 6: Analyze and Optimize Your Review Strategy
Once your conversational reviews are live, it’s important to continually analyze their performance and optimize your strategy:

  • Track Engagement Metrics: Use the analytics provided by Moast to track how customers are interacting with the reviews. Pay attention to metrics like the number of conversations started, the duration of engagement, and any increase in conversion rates.
  • Adjust as Needed: Based on the data, you may want to tweak your review prompts, widget placements, or the incentives you offer for reviews. Continuous optimization will help you maximize the impact of conversational reviews on your sales.

Step 7: Promote Your Conversational Reviews
Finally, make sure to let your audience know about the new conversational review feature:

  • Announce via Email and Social Media: Inform your existing customers and followers that they can now engage with interactive reviews on your site. Highlight the benefits of this feature and how it can help them make more informed purchase decisions.
  • Feature Reviews in Marketing Campaigns: Use some of the most engaging conversational reviews in your email newsletters, social media posts, or even paid ads. This not only showcases the authenticity of your brand but also encourages more customers to participate in the review process.

The Future of Conversational Reviews

As e-commerce continues to evolve, so too will the ways in which brands engage with their customers. Conversational reviews, still in their early stages, represent a significant shift in how social proof is utilized to build trust and drive sales. But what does the future hold for this innovative approach? Here’s a look at the emerging trends and potential developments in the world of conversational reviews, and how Moast plans to stay at the forefront of this evolution.

Emerging Trends in Conversational Reviews

1. Increased Personalization:

As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning continue to advance, conversational reviews are likely to become even more personalized. Imagine reviews that not only allow real-time interaction but also tailor responses based on the shopper’s previous behavior, preferences, or questions. This level of customization will make the shopping experience feel even more personal and relevant, further increasing trust and conversion rates.

2. Integration with Voice and Chatbots:

The rise of voice search and chatbot technology opens new possibilities for conversational reviews. In the future, shoppers may be able to initiate conversations with past customers via voice commands or chatbots, making the interaction even more seamless. This could also extend to virtual shopping assistants, who could pull in conversational reviews to answer shopper questions in real time, making the buying process smoother and more engaging.

3. Enhanced Multimedia Content:

As internet speeds and mobile technology improve, the demand for rich multimedia content will only grow. Conversational reviews of the future could include not just video and images but also interactive elements like 360-degree product views or augmented reality (AR) experiences that allow shoppers to “try before they buy.” This would provide even more detailed and immersive insights into products, helping shoppers make informed decisions.

4. Social Media Integration:

The line between e-commerce and social media is becoming increasingly blurred. Future conversational reviews may be deeply integrated with social media platforms, allowing customers to share their interactions and experiences across their networks instantly. This could turn every review into a mini marketing campaign, amplifying the reach and impact of your brand’s social proof.

5. Community-Driven Reviews:

As brands continue to foster communities around their products, conversational reviews may evolve into community-driven content where groups of customers share their experiences and insights in a collaborative environment. This could take the form of live discussion forums, Q&A sessions, or even group chats where shoppers can interact with multiple past customers at once.

Moast’s Vision for the Future

As a leader in the field of conversational reviews, Moast is committed to staying ahead of these trends and continuously improving the way brands can leverage customer feedback. Here’s how Moast plans to shape the future of conversational reviews:

1. Continuous Innovation:

Moast is dedicated to ongoing innovation, regularly updating its platform with new features that incorporate the latest technology trends. This includes exploring AI-driven personalization, voice and chatbot integrations, and more advanced multimedia capabilities to ensure that the reviews displayed on your site are as engaging and effective as possible.

2. Expanding Integrations:

Moast understands the importance of flexibility and seamless integration in today’s e-commerce landscape. The app will continue to expand its integrations with other platforms, including social media and emerging e-commerce tools, to offer brands a holistic solution for managing their reviews and customer interactions.

3. Fostering Authentic Communities:

Moast’s future updates will focus on fostering authentic customer communities. By encouraging more interactive and community-driven content, Moast aims to help brands build stronger, more connected customer bases that act as advocates for the brand, driving both trust and sales.

4. Data-Driven Insights:
As conversational reviews generate more data, Moast plans to enhance its analytics capabilities, providing brands with deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. This data will help brands fine-tune their strategies and make more informed decisions about how to engage with their audience.

By embracing these emerging trends and partnering with innovative platforms like Moast, e-commerce brands can ensure they are not only prepared for the future but are actively shaping it—creating more meaningful, authentic, and interactive shopping experiences for their customers.

Conclusion: The New Era of Customer Reviews

As e-commerce continues to grow and evolve, the ways in which brands connect with their customers must also advance. Traditional reviews, while still valuable, no longer hold the power they once did in building trust and driving conversions. The emergence of conversational reviews marks the beginning of a new era in customer engagement—one where authenticity, interaction, and personalization are at the forefront.

By leveraging conversational reviews, e-commerce brands can transform static testimonials into dynamic, real-time dialogues that truly resonate with potential buyers. These reviews not only build trust but also enhance user engagement and, most importantly, drive higher conversion rates.

Moast is leading the charge in this revolution, offering Shopify brands an innovative platform that turns customer reviews into interactive experiences. From capturing rich media content to enabling real-time conversations and providing actionable insights, Moast empowers brands to harness the full potential of conversational reviews.

As you look to the future of your e-commerce strategy, embracing conversational reviews will not just set you apart from the competition—it will place your brand at the cutting edge of customer experience, where trust is earned through genuine interaction, and sales are driven by meaningful connections.

The future of customer reviews is conversational. Are you ready to join the conversation?

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